Supply Chain Advisory Network
The pivotal forum of Victorian Transport & Logistics industry representatives.

Comments on Current Issues
A Pre-Mortem Exploration of the Port of Hastings Project
The current revival of Sir Henry Bolte’s vision for Hastings has followed generations of politicians and successive governments maintaining the dream, probably in part through the relationships between the political parties …
Open for business: selling off public assets to fund infrastructure
When Tony Abbott stepped up to claim victory for the Coalition in September, he declared Australia was “under new management and once more open for business”. One hundred days on, we look at the open for business promise…
The Business Activity Harmonisation Study (BAHS)
The BAHS program was an industry lead project funded by the Victorian Government. It’s aim was to focus on the Port of Melbourne import export container supply chain and to identify and unlock the inefficiencies and impediments that were holding back supply chain improvement at Australia’s largest container port.
The program ran a series of broad-based group meetings with participants from all stages of the import/export process to “thrash out” the frustrations and myths that were embedded in the supply chain and which were adding to costs and time delays.
This collaborative approach proved to be testing at times, but ultimately was a great success and many improvements where captured by all the participants.
The Port of Melbourne Supply Chain Awareness interactive DVD was produced as part of the learning capture for training and education and is now included in many company induction programs within the Industry.
All the speaking contributions are made by people who participated in the program, about their roles. We trust that you will find the program both educational and enjoyable.